Biyernes, Enero 31, 2014

Breeding and Culture of Carps and Koi Carps


Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is the oldest and one of the most widely cultured freshwater fishes in Asia and Europe because of its hardines, ease to spawn in captivity and tolerance to a wide range of temperature. In the Philippines, it was introduced in 1915 by Alvin Seale from Hongkong and was first stocked in Lake Lanao in Mindanao. Successful introduction were later undertaken to various swamplands and inland waters in the country where it has since formed a distinct fishery particularly in Laguna Lake, Candaba swamp, Cagayan river basin and in the lakes of Camarines Sur and Mindanao.

The Japanese carp “Nishigikoi” is a colorful variety of the common carp . It is regarded as the king of garden fish and its popularity in the aquarium fish trade is basically attributed to its graceful swimming and colorful pattern.


Morphological Characteristic

¨ Big Belly

¨ Long, blunt , smooth and protruding terminal mouth

¨ Two (2) pairs of barbels on the upper and lower jaw

¨ The color of the body is dark gray to greenish brown on the dorsal side and yellowish white in the abdominal region

Natural Food of Common carp

Common carp is an omnivorous feeder. It feeds mainly on benthic organisms like snails, clams, cladocerans, copepods, chironomid larvae, shrimps, insect larvae; detritus and decaying organic matter  
Feed preferences at various stages

¨ Larval Stage (Rotifers, Copepods, Chironomid & Cladocerans)

¨ Size 50 mm & above (Benthic organisms, algae & worms)

Breeding of Common Carp in Earthen Pond

Site Selection

Suitable site should have:

¨ Sufficient good quality water

¨ Capacity of soil to hold water

¨ Availability of power, labor and farm inputs

¨ Accessibility

Construction of Hatchery/Nursery Pond

Recommended area:

¨ Hatchery ponds 40-50 square meter excavated to a depth of 1 meter

¨ Nursery ponds 100-200 square meter excavated to a depth of 1


¨ Install water inlet and outlet in both hatchery and nursery ponds using

PVC pipes

Hatchery pond preparation

¨ Install bamboo post inside the hatchery pond at a distance of 20 cm. Submerged under the water.

¨ Make a lengthwise bamboo to be attached to the bamboo post.

¨ Place egg collectors over the lengthwise bamboo and tie it firmly.

Fabrication of Egg Collector

¨ For egg collector black palm or arenga fibers are preferred

¨ Prepared two (2) pcs. of bamboo or wood measuring 1 m. in length

¨ Arrange the fibers between two (2) pcs. bamboo or wood and nail them together.

Pond Preparation

¨ Catch and collect all previous fish stocks

¨ Drain the pond

¨ Eradicate all predators and competitors

¨ Apply chicken manure or other organic fertilizer at the rate of 1 kg./10 sq. m.

¨ Agricultural lime can also be applied at the rate of 1kg./50 sq. m.

¨ Take in water into the nursery pond at the depth of 100 cm. The growth of natural food can be observed after 7 days.

¨ Greenish water indicates abundance in phytoplankton while brownish water indicate abundance of zooplankton


¨ Collect gravid breeders and place in hatchery pond at the ratio of 1 female: 2 males

Characteristic of Mature Male and Female Carp and “Koi” Carp


¨ Rounded, soft bulging abdomen

¨ Obscured ventral ridge

¨ Vent projecting into a small papilla-like outgrowth

¨ Brownish eggs ooze out when gently pressed in the abdomen

¨ Deep- pit-like vent

¨ Slender body

¨ Exude milt when gently pressed in the abdomen
¨ Once the breeder are set, beat the surface of the water with a wooden stick or a coconut stem to hasten the spawning.

¨ Maintain continuous water flow

¨ Carp and Japanese “Koi” carp lay eggs between 2:00 am to 8:00 am

¨ The presence of bubbles on the water surface and fishy smell indicate that the breeders have already spawned.

¨ Eggs can be found attached to the egg collector

Incubation and Hatching

¨ Transfer egg collectors with eggs to previously prepared nursery pond for hatching.

¨ Maintain flowing water to avoid fungal contamination and at the same time hasten the hatching of eggs.

¨ After 2-3 days the eggs are hatched, Remove the egg collectors from the nursery ponds.

¨ Newly hatched fry feeds on its yolk for the first 2 days after hatching.

¨ Maintain the fry for 30 days in the nursery pond before harvest.

Larval Rearing

¨ Three (3) days after hatching the fry feeds on the natural food (plankton) present in the pond.

¨ After 2 weeks apply fertilizer dressing or feed the fry with a mixture of fine fish meal and rice bran:

¨ 75% rice bran

¨ 25% fishmeal at the rate of 10% average body weight


¨ Harvest fry and fingerling with the use of fine mesh net.

Culling for koi

For quality control, koi carp fry are culled after 6-8 fingerlings based on the quality of color pattern, appearance/body configuration and

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